Instruction Manual
Ex-Time 40 / 50
1. Introduction
The Ex-Time 40 and the Ex-Time 50 are quartz movement wall clocks
designed for internal use in Ex-hazardous areas classified as Zone 1
and 2 according IEC/CENELEC or division 1 according to NEC.
1. Introduction
2. Safety Advice
2. Safety Advice
These Operating Instructions contain information and safety regula-
tions which must be followed to ensure safe and reliable operation of
the unit under the described conditions.
Failure to follow the information and instructions contained in these
Operating Instructions can have dangerous consequences or may vio-
late applicable rules and regulations.
Please take the time to carefully read through these Operating
Instructions before you start using the unit.
In the event of any doubt or discrepancies (e.g. due to errors in trans-
lation and/or printing), the original German language version of the
Operating Instructions should be referred to.
3. Faults and Damage
4. Safety Regulations
5. Ex-Data
6. Technical Data
7. Use and Application / Operating Instructions
8. Repairs
3. Faults and Damage
If there is any reason to suspect that the safety or integrity of the unit
has been compromised, then it must be taken out of operation imme-
diately and removed from the Ex-zone without delay.
Precautionary measures must be taken in order to prevent any further
use of the unit in the Ex-zone. It is recommended that the unit should
be then sent to the manufacturer to be examined.
9. Cleaning, Maintenance and Storage
10. Guarantee and Liability
11. Declaration of EC Conformity
12. EC -Type Examination Certificate
13. Certificate of Compliance
The safety and integrity of the unit may be compromised by,
for example:
External damage is evident on the housing.
- The unit has been subjected to excessive
- loads for which it is not designed.
- Incorrect storage of the unit.
- Damage sustained in transit.
- Correct certification is illegible.
- Functionality errors occur.
- Permitted tolerances or threshold values have been exceeded.
4. Safety Regulations
The use of the Ex-Time 40 / 50 unit meets the requirements of the
regulations providing that the user observes and applies the require-
ments as laid down in the regulations and that improper and incorrect
use of the unit is avoided.
Report job
identification no.:
The following safety regulations must be complied with:
- The housing of the quartz mechanism and the battery
- compartment must not be opened within the Ex-zone.
- The battery must only be changed outside of the Ex-zone.
- Additional or spare batteries must not be carried in the Ex-zone.
- Only the "type-approved” batteries as listed in these Operating - -
- Instructions may be used.
- Ensure that Ex-Time 40 and 50 units are securely attached
- to the wall.
- Precautionary measures must be taken to prevent the unit from - -
falling into an area classified as zone 0.
FM identification:
I.S. Class I Division 1 Group A-D T4
6. Technical Data
Ambient temperature Ta:
Storage temperature:
Battery / power supply:
Battery operating time:
0 ... +50°C
0 ... +50°C
1 x LR14 acc. to IEC; C
1 year
- The entire back face of the unit must only be cleaned with a - - - - -
damp cloth.
Accuracy of
5. Ex-Data
quartz mechanism:
+15/-5 seconds per month
(Ex-Time 40)
(Ex-Time 50)
400 x 60 mm
500 x 70 mm
EC Certificate
of Conformity no.:
PTB 02 ATEX 2197 X
II 2 G EEx ia IIC T4
Weight (incl. batteries):
(Ex-Time 40)
(Ex-Time 50)
2.0 kg
3.4 kg
Approved for areas classified as zones 2 and 1, device group II, gas
group C potentially explosive gases, vapours or mist,
temperature class T4
CE labelling:
Table of type-approved LR 14 batteries
7. Use and Application / Operating Instructions
Before use, please read these operating instructions very carefully in
order to familiarise yourself with the functions of the Ex-Time
40 / 50. For you own safety and information, please read the
following instructions.
Alkaline Electric Power No.8014
Alkaline Universal No.4014
7.1 Commissioning
Use an appropriate screwdriver to undo the two screws on the
battery compartment cover (on the opposite side from the quartz
mechanism). Remove the battery compartment cover and insert a bat-
tery of the correct type (LR14) (refer to the table under section 6 –
technical data ) into the battery compartment. Please refer to the dia-
gram on the housing to make sure that battery is inserted with the cor-
rect polarity. Refit the battery compartment cover (the spring faces
towards the battery), refit the battery compartment cover screws and
tighten securely. Then use the white adjusting wheel on the housing of
the clockwork mechanism in order to set the correct time.
Professional Alkaline Battery Procell
Duracell Plus
Alkaline Industrial Battery
LR 14 Energizer
Super Alkaline Battery
7.2 Changing the battery
To change the battery, use an appropriate screwdriver to undo the two
screws on the battery compartment cover. Remove the battery com-
partment cover and dispose of the old battery.
Insert a new battery (only use type-approved batteries ‘ refer to the
table under section 6 – technical data; check for correct polarity ‘
check the diagram on the battery housing ). Refit the cover to the bat-
tery compartment (the spring faces towards the battery) and secure it
with the two screws. The clock will now start to run again. Then use
the white adjusting wheel on the housing of the quartz mechanism in
order to set the correct time.
Please ensure that all used and defective batteries are properly dispo-
sed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
7.3 Wall Mounting
ecom instruments GmbH offers a 2-year warranty for function
and materials on this product under the specified operating and
maintenance conditions.
This warranty does not extend to products which have been used
improperly, altered, neglected, damaged by accident or subjected to
abnormal operating conditions or improper handling.
An integral metal bracket located on the rear of the clock enables the
Ex-Time 40 / 50 to be suitably mounted on an appropriate wall. The
fixing of the unit must be secure at all times and precautionary measu-
res must be taken to prevent the Ex-Time 40 / 50 from
falling into an area classified as zone 0.
7.4 Time Setting
In the event of a warranty claim, the faulty device should be sent in.
We reserve the right to readjust or repair the unit.
The white adjusting wheel on the quartz mechanism is used to make
any necessary time adjustments.
The above warranty terms represent the sole rights of the
purchaser to compensation and apply exclusively and in place of all
other contractual or statutory warranty obligations.
8. Repairs
ecom instruments GmbH does not accept liability for specific, direct,
indirect, incidental or consequential damages or losses including the
loss of data, regardless of whether they are caused by breach of war-
ranty, lawful or unlawful actions, actions in good faith or other actions.
Repairs are subject to the terms and conditions of ELEX V. It is recom-
mended that all repairs are carried out by the manufacturer, so as to
check and test the safety and reliability of the unit after any repairs are
If in certain countries the restriction of statutory warranty and the
exclusion or restriction of incidental or subsequential damages is
unlawful, then it may be possible that the above restrictions and exclu-
sions do not apply for all purchasers. If any clause in these warranty
terms should be found to be invalid or unenforceable by a competent
court, then such a judgement shall not affect the
9. Cleaning, Maintenance and Storage
The entire back face of the unit must only be cleaned with a damp
cloth Do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning agents to clean the unit.
We recommended having the function and the accuracy of the device
checked by the manufacturer every two years.
validity or enforceability of any other clause contained in these warran-
ty terms.
The batteries should be taken out of the unit if it is to be out of use for
a length of time. The storage temperature should be within the permit-
ted range of 0°C to +50°C.
11. Declaration of EC Conformity
10. Guarantee and Liability
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig und Berlin
EC-Type-Examination Certificate
ecom Instruments GmbH
Industriestraße 2
Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially
Explosive Atmospheres – Directive 94/9/EC
D-97959 Assamstadt
EC-Type-Examination Certificate Number PTB 02 ATEX 2197 X
Device: Explosion-proof Wall Clock, type Ex-time **
declare under our sole responsibility that the product
Ex-Time 40 / Ex-Time 50
Manufacturer: ecom instruments GmbH
Address: Industriestrasse 2, 97959 Assamstadt, Germany
The design of this device and any acceptable variation thereto are specified
to which this declaration relates is in accordance with the provision of the fol-
lowing directives
in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to.
Equipment and protective systems
intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres
(8) The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, notified body No. 0102 in
accordance with Article 9 of the European Community Council Directive of
March 23, 1994 (94/9/EC), certifies that this device has been found to
comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the
design and construction of equipment and protective systems intended for
use in potentially explosive atmospheres, given in Annex II to the directive.
and is in conformity with the following standards or other normative
The examination and test results are recorded in the confidential report
PTB Ex 02-22330.
EN 50014:1997
Electrical apparatus for potentially
explosive atmospheres
General requirements
Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been
assured by compliance with
EN 50014:1997 + A1 + A2
EN 50020: 1994
EN 50020:1994
Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive
atmospheres Intrinsic safety "i”
If there is an "X” after the certificate number, special conditions for the safe
use of the device are provided in the schedule to this certificate.
This EC-Type-Examination Certificate relates only to the design and
examination of the specified device in accordance with Directive 94/9/EC.
Further requirements of this directive apply to the manufacture and supply
of the device. These requirements are not covered by this certificate.
ecom Instruments GmbH,
Assamstadt, den 09.11.01
The labeling of this device must include the following information:
II 2 G EEx ia IIC T4
S c h e d u l e
12. EC Type Examination Certificate
EC-Type-Examination Certificate PTB 02 ATEX 2197 X
13. Certificate of Compliance
Device Description
The explosion-proof wall clock, type Ex-Time ** can be used in potentially
explosive atmospheres.
The admissible ambient temperature range is 0 C - 50 C.
Electrical Data
Auxiliary power..................
Feed circuit........................
Battery 1.5 V model LR14 (see (17))
in ignition protection class for
intrinsic safety EEx ia IIC
Maximum values:
Uo =
Io =
Po =
1.5 V
866 mA
60 mW
for clockwork connection
Examination Report
Special Conditions
PTB Ex 02-22330
Only use battery types that are listed in the operating instructions
supplied with the device.
Essential Safety and Health Requirements
are fulfilled in accordance with the above-mentioned directives
Certifying body for Explosion Protection
By the order of
Dr.-Ing. U. Johannsmeyer
Government Director
ecom instruments GmbH
Industriestraße 2
D-97959 Assamstadt
Tel.: +49 (0) 62 94 / 42 24 0
Fax: +49 (0) 62 94 / 42 24 90
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